Question 13.3


Question 13.3

The document BlueprintCompetition eng states “(...) The maximum sum to be applied for the development of the proposals in this Notice is Euro 200,000,000.00 (exclusive of VAT), and excluding project costs, construction management, testing, and security costs.(...)” asi mismo se indica “(...) In any event, the total cost of the works planned (both the preliminary costs already identified by the competition organization, as listed above, and those proposed by competitors) must not exceed Euro 250 million. Hence the total cost of the works that are the object of the competition, not included in the preparatory works listed above, must not exceed Euro 200 million.(...)”, en este sentido el : “(...) The file should also contain a comprehensive financial evaluation (including a plan of costs and revenues/business plan) for the projects identified under the above headings, and a summary of the economic framework of each of the building operations. For the costing of the project submitted, competitors should refer to the prices of various basic construction processes, specifically identified in Attachment 6.(...)”. then in attachment 6 there are 9 budget items, but there should be more items (like installation of public services, floors, walls, etc) are these items not included. The Budget of of Euro is only for the 9 items listed in Attachment 6 ?


The nine items are an uncompleted list of standardised items defined by the Commission to help the designer. These items concern some expected works, and customary technologies, in order to compare the different submissions using the same basis for measurement; the total budget is the one specified in the competition notice and it includes all the necessary processing operations which are not pre-defined, because project proposals must have a wide choice.