The intended uses and all the rules reported in the notice are binding.
Final Classification >
Projects >
Results second public session >
List of competitors registration codes admitted to the competition >
1° place € 75.000
2° place € 15.000
3° place € 15.000
4° place € 15.000
Download Competition Notice and Attachments >
See the Geoportal >
15 October 2016 |
Deadline for submission of requests for clarification | |
10 November 2016 |
Deadline for replies to requests for clarification | |
15 December 2016 13:00 |
Deadline for submission of projects | |
20 January 2017 11:30 |
Jury’s first public session | |
06 February 2017 11:00 |
Jury’s second public session | |
Question 140
The notice required 40.000 m2 for residential facilities and 5.000 m2 for commercial and artisanal activities. These sizes seem to be overblown for the city of Genoa which is experiencing a population decline. The statistics reported in the Municipality website show that in the 2015 there is a negative balance of 6000 units and a negative trend (see also the chapter “Aspetti demografici” of the city plan). The total population in march 2016 was 585.890, far from the 611.204 registered in 2008 (31/12) ad from the 850.000 registered in the 1960s. We wonder if it makes sense to build new houses in a city with this demographical trend and if this project corresponds to the market or there is the risk (after finding new investors) to have empty buildings without generating any economic growth for Genoa and its inhabitants. From this presetting, I ask: are the intended uses, requested by the notice, binding? Is it possible for competitors to suggest alternative functions to generate a better economic plan than the one proposed? Respecting the technical-economic feasibility, and considering the chance for the competitors to change the intended uses I would like to know to what extend modifications, regarding the surfaces and the morphological/distributive aspects, may be accepted.
Question 140
The notice required 40.000 m2 for residential facilities and 5.000 m2 for commercial and artisanal activities. These sizes seem to be overblown for the city of Genoa which is experiencing a population decline. The statistics reported in the Municipality website show that in the 2015 there is a negative balance of 6000 units and a negative trend (see also the chapter “Aspetti demografici” of the city plan). The total population in march 2016 was 585.890, far from the 611.204 registered in 2008 (31/12) ad from the 850.000 registered in the 1960s. We wonder if it makes sense to build new houses in a city with this demographical trend and if this project corresponds to the market or there is the risk (after finding new investors) to have empty buildings without generating any economic growth for Genoa and its inhabitants. From this presetting, I ask: are the intended uses, requested by the notice, binding? Is it possible for competitors to suggest alternative functions to generate a better economic plan than the one proposed? Respecting the technical-economic feasibility, and considering the chance for the competitors to change the intended uses I would like to know to what extend modifications, regarding the surfaces and the morphological/distributive aspects, may be accepted.
Question 139.8, 139.9, 139.10, 139.11
With regard to the preparation of the boards:
- are there some indications about the required characters and the line-spacing for the A3 dossier (20 page)?
- is the graphic layout of the dossier at discretion of the designer?
- should the front page of the dossier include a title?
- should the boards, in pdf format, be signed digitally by the group leader? The procedure is not clear.
Question 139.8, 139.9, 139.10, 139.11
With regard to the preparation of the boards:
- are there some indications about the required characters and the line-spacing for the A3 dossier (20 page)?
- is the graphic layout of the dossier at discretion of the designer?
- should the front page of the dossier include a title?
- should the boards, in pdf format, be signed digitally by the group leader? The procedure is not clear.
Question 139.5, 139.6, 139.7
With regard to the Pavilion S:
- remaining inside the planimetric outline of the building, can the facility for sports events and spectacles be realized outside the central area (see Attachment A, page 63)? Can we address this area to other uses requested by the notice?
- is it possible to include different uses in addition to the facility for sports events and spectacles, except for commercial or artisanal activities?
- is there a minimum threshold for surfaces used for facility for sports events and spectacles? if so, which one?
Question 139.5, 139.6, 139.7
With regard to the Pavilion S:
- remaining inside the planimetric outline of the building, can the facility for sports events and spectacles be realized outside the central area (see Attachment A, page 63)? Can we address this area to other uses requested by the notice?
- is it possible to include different uses in addition to the facility for sports events and spectacles, except for commercial or artisanal activities?
- is there a minimum threshold for surfaces used for facility for sports events and spectacles? if so, which one?
- As stated in the notice, the central area is the privileged place for facility for sports events and spectacles, however the designer can propose different and justified suggestions.
- No, it isn’t. See page 63 of the notice.
- No, there isn’t. You should take advantage of the potentiality of the building.
Question 139.2, 139.3, 139.4
with regard to the red hatched areas (Board 7.):
- Can we modify the outline of these areas, keeping the overall surfaces, to follow possible changes of the basin outline or planning needs?
- Do these areas represent the only sites where we should build the surfaces requested with the exception of the facilities for sports events and spectacles?
- Can the designers, in view of a sound and reasoned project proposal and respecting the competition area and the surfaces requested, identify other areas besides the buildable areas indicated?
Question 139.2, 139.3, 139.4
with regard to the red hatched areas (Board 7.):
- Can we modify the outline of these areas, keeping the overall surfaces, to follow possible changes of the basin outline or planning needs?
- Do these areas represent the only sites where we should build the surfaces requested with the exception of the facilities for sports events and spectacles?
- Can the designers, in view of a sound and reasoned project proposal and respecting the competition area and the surfaces requested, identify other areas besides the buildable areas indicated?
- Yes, you can. Small and punctual modifications are allowed
- Yes, they do
- No, he can’t
Question 139.1
With regard to the competition area marked with a red hatched line: 139.1 Is it possible to suggest modifications of the established urban structure and infrastructure to enhance the accessibility, usability and logistic of the overall project proposal? Will this suggestion disqualify us from the competition?
Question 139.1
With regard to the competition area marked with a red hatched line: 139.1 Is it possible to suggest modifications of the established urban structure and infrastructure to enhance the accessibility, usability and logistic of the overall project proposal? Will this suggestion disqualify us from the competition?
Yes, it is but you must remain inside the competition area.
Question 138
We read in the competition notice on page 32 that the documents must be printed and “undersigned” digitally. Does this means that the documents must be printed, signed (with the pen) and scanned or that we have to undersigned them with a digital signature?
Question 138
We read in the competition notice on page 32 that the documents must be printed and “undersigned” digitally. Does this means that the documents must be printed, signed (with the pen) and scanned or that we have to undersigned them with a digital signature?
Question 137.4
We understand from the answer to the question n°22 of the 26th of September that only the documents inside the Busta Virtuale A should be signed digitally, but which format should we use? CAdES (.p7m), PAdES o XAdES? Please clarify.
Question 137.4
We understand from the answer to the question n°22 of the 26th of September that only the documents inside the Busta Virtuale A should be signed digitally, but which format should we use? CAdES (.p7m), PAdES o XAdES? Please clarify.
I tre formati di firma elettronica indicati sono ammessi.
Question 137.3
In the answer to the question n°22 of the 26th of September - “Should the documents be signed digitally by the group leader?”- it is answered: No but “The administrative documents must be signed by each team member”. Does it mean that all the participants should sign digitally all the documents? Please clarify which documents should be signed digitally and by whom.
Question 137.3
In the answer to the question n°22 of the 26th of September - “Should the documents be signed digitally by the group leader?”- it is answered: No but “The administrative documents must be signed by each team member”. Does it mean that all the participants should sign digitally all the documents? Please clarify which documents should be signed digitally and by whom.
See answer 83.
Question 137.2
According to the competition notice it seems that the graphic boards should be in pdf format. Is there an upper or lower limit for the graphic resolution of the boards, the file size or the complete delivering size?
Question 137.2
According to the competition notice it seems that the graphic boards should be in pdf format. Is there an upper or lower limit for the graphic resolution of the boards, the file size or the complete delivering size?
See answer 74.2.
Question 137.1
In order that a temporary team of professionals can take part in the competition, is it sufficient the correct fulfilment of the Busta Virtuale A (filled with all the personal data and with the documents requested)? or is it necessary that the group is formally constituted (private agreement) before the competition deadline? If so, what kind of documents should be presented?
Question 137.1
In order that a temporary team of professionals can take part in the competition, is it sufficient the correct fulfilment of the Busta Virtuale A (filled with all the personal data and with the documents requested)? or is it necessary that the group is formally constituted (private agreement) before the competition deadline? If so, what kind of documents should be presented?
It is sufficient to complete the Busta Virtuale A ("Virtual Envelope A").