
Question 1

Dear, I already graduated as an urban designer at XXX University of XXX last year. And this year I am doing a master in Architecture also in XXX and I just had one year experience working as a designer therefore my question is can I participate to this competition?

According to the article 3 of the competition notice “the competition is open to suppliers of architectural and engineering services individual professionals, temporary teams of professionals, companies of engineers or professionals, or temporary groups of the above companies, in possession of the general requirements of the legislation in force”. So if you have the legal requirements necessary in your Country to be considered an architect (state certification exam) you can participate in the competition otherwise we can’t consider your application.

Question 2

I worked for Renzo Piano 10 years ago. I never worked on any projects in Italy or Genova. Am I disqualified from this competition?

We haven’t identified any incompatibility according to the art.4 of the competition notice, so you can participate in the competition as long as are respected also the prescriptions reported in the art.3 (Admission to the competition: requirements).

Question 3

I have a question regardin to the Pavillion S: wich is exactly the program in this pavillion, Sports events or comercial? Can we change and actuation in the exterior of the building changing the facade? Thank you

The outlines and the principal elements of the Pavilion S should be substantially retained, while the fronts and the added constructions can be modified. It is planned to continue to use it as a facility for sports and spectacles. Commercial and artisanal activities are accepted within the limits specified in the Competition note, attached A – Information for the project.

Question 4

Good morning, I would like to know if it is possible for an Engineering firm, which took part in designing the Blueprint by RPBW, to participate in the competition as principal of a RTI. Thanks

Article 4 of the Competition Note establishes the following cause of incompatibility: “...On penalty of exclusion, the following persons may not take part in the competition: those who have had a part in the drafting of this Notice and the attached documents...”. The main attachment of the Competition Note is the Blueprint document by RPBW.

Question 5.1

Hello. I am a Russian architect. What document do I need to scan to send you? Will it be enough to send you scans of my passport and university degree?

It’s enough to scan your passport

Question 5.2

In the application form what is the difference between all this chart fields? "Residenza indirizzo", "Residenza numero civico", "Residenza comune", "Residenza provincia". Should I fill in the whole adress with zip code etc?

It’s enough to write your permanent address with all the information necessary for an easy identification. In the boxes requiring information not necessary for foreign users (zip code), but compulsory for the form, you have to write 3 dots “...”.

Question 6

I have already registered for the competition but I would like to add a team member now. He is a qualified architect. Is it possible now?

It is possible to add and modify project’s participants and their documents until they are not “confirmed”. If the participants have already been confirmed it is necessary to submit a new registration to modify the team. The instructions for registration are specified at link https://www.blueprintcompetition.concorrimi.it/istruzioniEng

Question 7

Surfaces to be realized: the number reported on page 65 of the Competition Note is in conflict with the one reported on page 36 of the document called “BP”. What is right?

The document called BP is a generic attachment which goes far beyond the topic of the competition. For the Blueprint Competition you need to use the information reported in the competition attachment called attachment A – information for the project.

Question 8

Tensile structure - south side of the Palasport: please confirm the conservation (from the boards is not clear).

The tensile structure is outside the competition area. Moreover the Blueprint designed by the Renzo Piano Building Workshop foresees its removal.

Question 9

Accessibility of the trade fair and the parking lots: considering a daily attendance of 20.000 people during the main trade fairs, how should we consider the area outside the competition area with a regard to drivability and parking lots?

The competition concerns only the areas reported in the documents. Outside areas are not considered. Moreover the areas covered by the competition are not planned to continue to be used as a facility for trade fairs.

Question 10

If the competitor fulfils only the general requirements necessary to take part in the competition, in case of commitment to the subsequent project phase it will be possible to integrate new team members in order to respond to the special requirements foreseen by the law (as indicated on page 50 of the Competition Notice)?

It is possible as referred to in article 19 on page 50 of the Competition Notice.

Question 11.1

I am a graduated architect that fulfills all the preriquisites to work in achitecture in my country. I graduated from college more than five years ago. The question is can I participate as an individual in the contest? This concern comes from a paragraph in the document “BlueprintCompetition brief eng” that tells (..) promote participation by young professionals, in the case of participation by a team, it is compulsory to guarantee and demonstrate, among the members, the presence, as a designer, of at least one architect and/or engineer with authorization to practice dating from no more than five years before the date of publication of this notice.(...)”.

Yes, if you are in possession of the general requirements of the legislation in force in your country.

Question 11.2

The document “BlueprintCompetition_brief_eng” states that “(...) It is suggested that the files should be uploaded onto the system as described in point 9, using the titles given above as the names of the files. (...)” Question is what is the correct name of the files? The doubt arises because in the web page they are named in a different ways TAVOLA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; o TAVOLA A, B, C, D, E, F or - BOARD A, B, C, D, E, F o BOARD 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, which one is right?

The system nominates the file with “numbers”, the competitor has to use “letters”, as indicated on page 29-30 of the Competition note.

Question 11.3

In the document “Basic plans for use by competitors”, in “Template of the squared design boards” there is a field (lower right corner) called Tav No (is this the abbreviation of TAVOLA Numero) and then there are eight boxes. Question is do these fields need to be filled out? If so how shall they be filled? What kind of Font shall be used?

As referred to in article 8 - last subparagraph – of the Competition Notice, the alphanumeric code should not be indicated because it will be assign by the system.

Question 11.4

The document BlueprintCompetition brief eng tells “(...) BOARD D:excerpts of the "elevations" considered most significant, scale 1:200;(...)" does this refers only to facades or longitudinal and cross sections or both?

Elevations, as referred to in article 8 of the Competition Notice.

Question 11.5

Other graphics that compliment the ilustration can be included in BOARD A B C D E or this kind of content is only supported in Board F?

In the remaining space of the compulsory boards, participants should freely enter information as referred to in art. 8 – page 29 - of the Competition Notice

Question 11.6

The document BlueprintCompetition brief eng states regarding the document to be delivered together with the plats the followig : “(...) file with a maximum of 10 sheets (20 sides) in A3 format containing, among other things, a general descriptive report of the proposal, consisting of a maximum of 10 typewritten sheets in UNI A4 format using 12 point Arial font, (...)” We have the following questions: What does 10 sheets 20 sides stand for? The A3 format is vertical or horizontal?

  • Ten sheets in A3 format printable on both sides of paper. In the digital version it becomes 20 sheets. 
  • Format vertical or horizontal, as you like.

Question 11.7

The document BlueprintCompetition_brief_eng” states “(...) The new buildings, to be erected inthe areas specifically indicated in the planimetric and volumetric diagram of the project (see Attachments 7, 8 and 9), may not exceed the heights shown schematically in Attachment 9, with the exception of specific and local architectural landmarks. Also in the plan, they will not normally exceed the maximum outlines indicated in the diagrams supplied to competitors in Attachments 7 and 8. It will, however, be possible to include local overhangs on the floors above ground level.(...)” Does this mean that the architectonical elements like stairways to access a Green terrace could overpass the specified height. Regarding the overhangs, can they go longer that the areas specified Attachments 7, 8 and 9? If so how much from the specified area can they go?

Yes and it is not only valid for stairways but also for the outline of other elements such as balconies and bow windows.

Question 11.8

Facade elements (different from architectural spaces) like solar protection elements can exceed what is defined in “areas specifically indicated in the planimetric and volumetric diagram of the project (Attachments 7, 8 and 9)?. If it is so what is the máximum allowed distance?

As described in the previous paragraph. (see Question 11.7)

Question 11.9

The document BlueprintCompetition_brief_eng” states “(...) The planimetric profile established for the navigable canals, shown in the tables provided, may have local deviations because of the provision of specific landing points and equipment for beaching boats, while maintaining the overall area of water indicated in Attachment 7(...)”, does this mean that there could be variations in the defined profile for the channels but coditioned to “points and equipment for beaching boats”; question is in case the desition of slightly modifiy the cannel profile because other reasons like enhacement of a road or because of the architecural plan or other reason cosidered by the contestant, is ti posible to modify the cannel profile?

Yes, if it is maintained the overall area of water.

Question 12

In Area Riservata for the participants all forms of Applications and Documents for Submission - Busta Virtuale A and Busta Virtuale B are in Italian language. Does it mean that only Italian speaking teams are accepted to participate? If not, how the forms in Busta Virtuale A and B can be found and submitted in English?

Busta Virtuale A and Busta Virtuale B do not exist in English, but they can be filled in English (art.21 of the Competition Notice).

Question 13.1

The document BlueprintCompetition eng states “(...) a further pedestrian link, which can also be used by service vehicles and the emergency services, apart from the one already shown in Attachments 7, 8 and 9, between the “mainland” and the “island”. Here the (existing) pavilion B and the new surrounding volumes will be located after construction of the canal system. (...)” . Does this imply that in order not to affect the channel’s navigability an underground car Access that goes under the cannel or an elevated pathway like a bridge and/or enhance the profile in the link already shown in Attachments 7, 8 and 9.


  1. Can the designer choose any of these solutions?
  2. If the contestant considers it reasonable can he slightly modify the borders between the links (enhance the link) and the island and or present an underground path or a bridge?
  3. Is it expected that the existing conection with the island can be used to access the underground parking lots?

  1. Yes, the competition notice doesn't rule it out
  2. Yes, the competition notice doesn't rule it out
  3. It is not specifically required, but it is possible if allowed by current law

Question 13.2

The document BlueprintCompetition eng states “(...) The level of the road surface must lie between 5 m and 6 m above sea level (...)” does it mean that there can not be car roads with less than 5m above the level of the sea? Could it be posible than one car road with only 1 meter above sea level?

> 5 Mt ordinary road networks; 1 ÷5 Mt service and/or safety vehicles.

Question 13.3

The document BlueprintCompetition eng states “(...) The maximum sum to be applied for the development of the proposals in this Notice is Euro 200,000,000.00 (exclusive of VAT), and excluding project costs, construction management, testing, and security costs.(...)” asi mismo se indica “(...) In any event, the total cost of the works planned (both the preliminary costs already identified by the competition organization, as listed above, and those proposed by competitors) must not exceed Euro 250 million. Hence the total cost of the works that are the object of the competition, not included in the preparatory works listed above, must not exceed Euro 200 million.(...)”, en este sentido el : “(...) The file should also contain a comprehensive financial evaluation (including a plan of costs and revenues/business plan) for the projects identified under the above headings, and a summary of the economic framework of each of the building operations. For the costing of the project submitted, competitors should refer to the prices of various basic construction processes, specifically identified in Attachment 6.(...)”. then in attachment 6 there are 9 budget items, but there should be more items (like installation of public services, floors, walls, etc) are these items not included. The Budget of of Euro is only for the 9 items listed in Attachment 6 ?

The nine items are an uncompleted list of standardised items defined by the Commission to help the designer. These items concern some expected works, and customary technologies, in order to compare the different submissions using the same basis for measurement; the total budget is the one specified in the competition notice and it includes all the necessary processing operations which are not pre-defined, because project proposals must have a wide choice.

Question 13.4

The new road development of the avenue that limits with the project ́s area presents two roads that descent (U turn) and connect with “Porto Antico”. Can this be used as a connection to the Project or as an alternate way or service way?

The U turn is needed to access the competition area from East and it is in perspective with the Porto Antico when the second part of the Blueprint, and its connection, will be realized. For this reasons it cannot be modified and it must be a one-way street. From this crossroad it is possible to branch off the accesses to the competition area and the competitors can choose how to develop these access.

Question 14

It is not clear the internal height of the pavilion S: in the plan is written 1.00 and in the section 3.10. Does it mean that the current height is 3.10 and it should be decreased to 1 or is it a mistake?

The height is 3.10 and it should not be necessary decreased to 1. The heights written in the sections are “absolutes” (above sea level); the ones reported in the plans of the drawing “S Pavilion” are “relatives”.

Question 15

Can you confirm that the members of a team can be modified – added and or substituted – till the final submission – 15/12/2016.

Team members can be added or modified – till the final submission – 15/12/2016 following the instruction available at the link www.blueprintcompetition.concorrimi.it/istruzioniEng

Participants may be added, modified or removed at the discretion of the entrant until the confirmation of the submission. Only the group leader may not be eliminated; moreover, the data entered regarding the group leader upon first registration may not be modified. To modify the group leader, it is necessary to re-register. After having completed the personal data sheets, it is necessary to load a file of each participant's identity card by accessing the section VIRTUAL ENVELOPE A > list of documents for participants. Once pressed this bottom it will not be possible to modify the team. At this stage to modify the team it is necessary to re-register. Although it is possible to register the team till the 15/12/2016, it is recommended to finalize the registration process before this date to be sure to have the time to send the project documents.

Question 16

It is not clear if the documents should be signed digitally or if it is sufficient to print, sign and scan and send the pdf version.

The documents have to be signed digitally as referred to in art. 9 on page 31-32 of the Competition Notice.

Question 17

I wonder if a different layout (for example a mix of plans, sections, etc.) it will be allowed or it is strictly forbidden under penalty of exclusion.

The layout must be the same for everyone. Different layouts can make the boards recognizable without respecting the anonymity procedure.

Question 18

The document "dichiarazione_partecipanti" is written in Italien. So this is a little bit difficult for foreign participants. Does it also exist in an english version? Or is there any help in the "instuctions"?

You have to fill the italian version in english following the istruction available at the link www.blueprintcompetition.concorrimi.it/blueprint/facsimile_documenti_concorrenti_eng.pdf
