Question 91


Question 91

I uploaded already 2 documents as scanned files: my identity card , my membercard of "Chamber of Architects"
The PDF "DOMANDA DI PARTECIPAZIONE" is still in work and will be undersigned digitally (scan). Is this the correct procedure? Is this what you tell with: "The completed documents must be printed, undersigned digitally and uploaded along with the files containing the unauthenticated photocopy of an identity document and a photocopy of authorization to take part (the latter only for public employees)" ?


To Complete the Envelop A it is necessary:

  1. to fill the on-line form
  2. to upload your ID card
  3. to confirm your data (After the confirmation it is automatically produced a pdf called “DICHIARAZIONE PARTECIPANTI” pre-filled with the data given by the competitors)
  4. to print the pdf and to complete the compiling manually
  5. to scan the document
  6. to sign digitally the scanned document (only for the Countries where the digital signature exists)
  7. to upload the digitally signed file on the platform